Thursday, February 8, 2007

Notes from the search

I've been looking for a job. Anyone else doing the same?

What an interesting, challenging process, full of self-doubt and reassessment and high hopes and anxiety about the bottom line. I've never lost a job before, but I am not surprised to find that the feeling of vulnerability is similar to the one that accompanies other kinds of losses with which I am better acquainted.

At least I know what I want: I've decided that I need a job in which I can work a minimum number of hours for a maximum amount of pay, have a flexible schedule, and work from home at least part of the time.

Jan remarked drily, "don't we all?"

"I think drug dealing would be perfect," deadpans Sarah, "except for the occasional jail time. Might be inconvenient."

How is it going for you?

photo credit: Josh Klute via stock.xchng

1 comment:

John Binkov said...

I can remember being dumped and being "let go". Both were the worst. My self esteem took rapid nose dives.

Fired from a relationship, divorced from a job. But eventually not divorced from reality I picked myself up and walked on. Got some nice scars though.

Drug dealing has weird hours.
And you could end up with strange roomates.